If you're thinking of selling your home, you may have walked through it an discovered that you've been ignoring work that needs to be done to make your home look its best. For example, you may have been living with a cracked floor tile that needs to be fixed, or a damaged closet door that requires replacement.
Is it a good idea to get these maintenance issues deal wtih before you list? Typically, yes. You want your home to show well. Anything unsightly or concerning will get noticed by buyers.
Fortunately, investing the time and money to get the work done will pay off. It will help you sell your home faster and for a good price.
However, there may be circumstances in which you need to list before repairs and other improvements are completed. For example, if you need to sell within the next few weeks, you may simply not have enough time. In that case, there are a coupld of options. Either you can arrange for the work to be done and let buyers know that it's been scheduled; or, you can let buyers know about the issues and let them know you're seling as is.