Thinking of Selling?
Eventually, just about all homeowners get to the point where they think about moving. Some want to upsize, some want to downsize, while...

Selling your Home? Choose the Right Photos
They say a picture speaks a thousand words. That’s certainly true in real estate. Sure, property descriptions are vitally important, but...

5 Ways to Re-Engergize in Just 5 Minutes
Life tends to be busy. It's all-too-easy to feel drained and even burned-out. Unfortunately, you may not have the luxury of time to relax...

Showcase your Home With the Right Lighting
The top retail store chains invest heavily in creating just the right lighting to make their products look great. Why? They know that...

Leverage the Power of "Done" to Achieve Goals
During a marathon, organizers typically set up signs along the route to indicate distances completed. For example, one might say, “You’ve...

Listing Before a Repair or Fix-Up is Done?
If you're thinking of selling your home, you may have walked through it an discovered that you've been ignoring work that needs to be...

Getting an Early Start on Selling your Home
You've probably heard the expression, "The early-bird gets the work." It refers, of course, to those who get in early and reap the...

Should You Reclaim the "Lost" Bedroom?
Do you have an extra bedroom that you've converted into a home office, arts and crafts room or other non-slumbering use? If so, you may...

One Hour Ideas for Boosting Curb Appeal
You've heard of the term "curb appeal". It refers to the initial impression buyers get when they first see your property from the street....
Realtor to the Rescue!
Often, if old western movies, when the good guys were overwhelmed or in danger, the cavalry would come riding to the rescue. It made for...