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"You get the best out

of others when you give

the best of yourself."

-Harry Firestone

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Have the comfort of knowing that years of experience in all things Real Esetate

is being integrated into your transaction, making it far more effective.

Maggie Ward

Principal Agent
Principal Agent
Realtor, Broker Associate
Realtor, Broker Associate

For over 33 years, Maggie has garnered the experience to be one of the most effective real estate brokers in her area. Consistently ranked among the Top 25 realtors, she boasts a proven track record of success, indicating that she has the experience and confidence to handle any kind of transaction, no matter how complex.

The Office

Paula Reese

Paula is the official transaction coordinator of our team. She has over 30 years experience as an escrow officer, which allows us to have very smooth transactions.

Mary Kazanis

Mary is our listing coordinator & marketing assistant. She has many years experience in the real estate field, from REO and property management, to creating custom marketing materials to assist with the sale of each home.

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