I hope 2021 has been off to a great start for you!
If you have any big plans for the year, you might be interested in this famous quote by Benjamin Franklin, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
I would add, “Plan early.” We know that the sooner you get started, the more likely you are to ultimately succeed.
Say, for example, you’re thinking of selling your home this year. Even if you don’t expect to list until the summer or fall, there are numerous advantages to starting to plan now.
Wouldn’t it be helpful to know how much your current property is worth right now, how much you can invest in a new home, what the selling process will be like, etc.? That information would eliminate much of the uncertainty and help you move forward with more confidence.
By the way, I’m here to help whenever you have questions or need advice that’s real estate-related. Even if you need a contractor recommendation, I can help. Feel free to reach out to me anytime.