Cyber Safety for Computer Users of All Ages

No matter your age, if you use a computer - and especially the internet - you need to be savvy about security. Yet many users have no idea how vulnerable they might be to malicious thieves who can “hack” and “phish” into personal computers.
To prevent theft of information that can rob you and your family of your financial assets - and your dignity - be mindful of the following:
Educate young video gamers on the importance of protecting personal information, and instruct them to inform you of unusual requests for private facts, photos or activities.
While on social networks, be wary of unknown links to unusual blogs, tweets and other services that invite interaction.
When using unsecured Wi-Fi networks, increase your computer’s security levels, and ensure your computer has automated anti-virus upgrades.
During financial transactions, check that you use only trusted websites that start with “https” (the “s” stands for “secure”).